This document is obsolete. A new version is available: at Semantics of SHACL

SHACL(SHApes Checking Language) is an RDF vocabulary for describing RDF graph structures. These graph structures are captured as shapes, which are expected to correspond to nodes in RDF graphs. These shapes identify predicates and their associated cardinalities and datatypes.

This document introduces the semantics of the SHACL core language features using inference rules.

This document is a work in progress proposal based on the core language features. The SHACL language constructs have yet to be defined by the WG

This document just assumes that some node in an RDF graph has been selected to check its shape in a schema. The triggering selection mechanisms are not defined in this document


This documents contains a formal semantic specification of SHACL. The formal semantics is defined in terms of inference rules and axioms. The semantics has been translated to Haskell to obtain an executable semantic prototype. The source code is available here.

Full SHACL syntax

The full SHACL syntax can be defined as:

A schema is a list of Labels associated with shapes

Schema ::= Label Shape *           // Schema associates a Label with a Shape

The abstract syntax of shapes can be recursively defined as:

Shape ::= Empty                          // No constraint
        | BasicArc Cardinality           // Arc with predicate, value and cardinality
		| BasicArc "+"                   // 1 or more basic arcs
		| BasicArc "?"                   // 0 or 1 basic arcs
		| BasicArc "*"                   // 0 or more basic arcs
	    | And (Shape1,Shape2,...ShapeN)  // Matches if E and F match
	    | Or (Shape1, Shape2,...ShapeN)  // Matches if either E or F match

Basic arcs can be direct arcs or inverse arcs.

BasicArc ::= Arc Predicate Value     // Direct arc
           | InvArc Predicate Value  // Inverse arc

Cardinality defines the minimum and maximum cardinality. The maximum cardinality can be unbounded

Cardinality ::= {Int,Int | unbounded}  // Min,Max-cardinality

Value specifies if an object matches with a set of values v1,...,vN, if it has a type identified by URI or if it is an node that conforms with the shape identified by Label

Value ::= ValueSet (v1 v2 ... vN) // Matches a set of values v1...vN
        | ValueType URI           // Matches if the value belongs to the type denoted by URI
        | ValueRef Label          // Matches if the value is a node that conforms with the shape identified by Label 


# shapes (Turtle)
sh:IssueShape a ldom:Shape ;
    ldom:property [                                     
        ldom:predicate ex:state ;                       
ldom:allowedValue (ex:unassigned ex:assigned) ;
ldom:allowedValue ex:unassigned , ex:assigned ;
ldom:minCount 1 ; ldom:maxCount 1 ] ; ldom:property [ ldom:predicate ex:reportedBy ; ldom:valueShape sh:UserShape ; ldom:minCount 1 ; ldom:maxCount 1 ] . sh:UserShape a ldom:Shape ; ldom:property [ ldom:predicate foaf:name ; ldom:valueType xsd:string ; ldom:minCount 1 ; ldom:maxCount 1 ] ; ldom:property [ ldom:predicate foaf:mbox ; ldom:nodeType ldom:IRI ; ldom:minCount 1 ] .

The example can be defined in the abstract syntax as:

 (And (Arc ex:state (ValueSet (ex:unasigned ex:asigned)) {1,1})
      (Arc ex:reportedBy (ValueRef sh:UserShape) {1,1})

 (And (Arc foaf:name (ValueType xsd:string) {1,1})
       (Arc foaf:mbox (ValueType URI) {1,unbounded})

Simplification rules

basicArc+ = basicArc { 1,unbounded }
basicArc? = basicArc { 0,1 }
basicArc* = basicArc { 0,unbounded }

And(e1,e2,...eN) = And(e1,And(e2,...And(eN,Empty)))
Or(e1,e2,...eN) = Or(e1,Or(e2,...Or(eN,Empty)))

Simple syntax

The full SHACL simplified syntax can be defined as

Shape ::= Empty                   // No constraint
       | BasicArc Cardinality     // Basic arc with cardinality
	   | And Shape Shape          // Matches if E and F match
	   | Or Shape Shape           // Matches if either E or F match

Formal semantics

Description of the Formal Semantics

The semantics of a Shape schema consist of a specification of what nodes in an RDF graph match a specific shape with respect to that schema. The semantics is described formally. The formalism uses axioms and inference rules. Axioms are propositions that are provable unconditionally. An inference rule consists of one or more antecedents and exactly one consequent. An antecedent is either positive or negative. If all the positive antecedents of an inference rule are provable and none of the negative antecedents are provable, then the consequent of the inference rule is provable.

The notation for inference rules separates the antecedents from the consequent by a horizontal line: the antecedents are above the line; the consequent is below the line. If an antecedent is of the form not(p), then it is a negative antecedent; otherwise, it is a positive antecedent.

The formal semantics presented follows the same formalism as the one used for RelaxNG


RDF graphs

The natural semantics matches infers a typing for a resource in an RDF graph. We represent RDF graphs as sets of RDF triples, where an RDF triple is (subject,predicate,object) such that subject is a URI or a BNode, predicate is a URI and object is a URI, BNode or Literal. For our purposes, an RDF graph has the following operations:
{}Empty graph
{t} Singleton graph with triple t
t : g The graph that results of adding triple t to graph g
removeTriple(g) A pair (t,g') where t is a triple removed from g and g' is the remaining graph
g1 union g2 Union of graphs g1 and g2
g1 intersection g2 Intersection of graphs g1 and g2
g.triplesAround(node) Selects the triples that contain node as subject or as object in graph g


The semantics of SHACL consits of assigning typings to nodes in an RDF graph. A typing is a map from RDF nodes (iri's or bNodes) to sets of labels in a Schema. We define the following operations on shape typings:
{}empty shape typing
iri -> label :: typing the result of assigning iri to label in typing
t1 ++ t2 combination of typings t1 and t2
contains(t,node,label) returns true if the typing t asserts that node has shape label


The shape schema validator acts in a context. A context is a tuple (s, g, t) where s is a Schema, g is an RDF Graph and t is a Typing.

Match node

ctx |- matchNode(node, label) checks if a node conforms with the shape associated with label in context ctx. If it conforms, it returns (t,cs,rs) where t is a typing, cs is a set of checked triples, rs is a set of remaining triples.
matchNode ctx.schema(label) = shape     ctx.graph.triplesAround(node) = ts     ctx { node -> label } |- matchShape(ts, shape) = (t,cs,rs)
ctx |- matchNode(node,label) = (t,cs,rs)

Match Shape

ctx |- matchShape(triples, shape) checks if a set of triples triples conforms with shape in context ctx. If it conforms, it returns (t,cs,rs) where t is a typing, cs is a set of checked triples, rs is a set of remaining triples.

The empty shape matches any set of triples without any constraint.

ctx |- matchShape(ts,Empty) = (ctx.typing,{},ts)

We distinguish 5 cases for basic arc depending on the cardinality.

If the shape is a conjunction it matches if it matches the first element and then, the second with the remaining triples

And ctx |- matchShape(ts, e1) = (t1, cs1, rs1)     ctx |- matchShape(ts, e2) = (t2, cs2, rs2)
ctx |- matchShape(ts, And(e1, e2) = (t1 ++ t2, cs1 union cs2, rs1 intersection rs2)

If the shape is a disjunction it matches if either the first element matches or the second one does

Or_1 ctx |- matchShape(ts, e1) = (t, cs, rs)
ctx |- matchShape(ts, Or(e1,e2) = (t, cs, rs)
Or_2 ctx |- matchShape(ts, e2) = (t, cs, rs)
ctx |- matchShape(ts, Or(e1,e2) = (t, cs, rs)

Match BasicArc


ObjectArc ctx |- matchValue(o,v) = t
ctx |- matchBasicArc(, Arc p v) = t
SubjectArc ctx |- matchValue(s,v) = t
ctx |- matchBasicArc(, InvArc p v) = t

Match value

valueSet x in set
ctx |- matchValueSet(x, ValueSet(set)) = ctx.typing
valueObjectType x hastype t
ctx |- matchValueType(x, ValueType(t)) = ctx.typing

ValueRef handles references to shapes. There are two cases, the first initial case, when the context already contains the declaration that x has shape label just returns the current typing.

valueRef_1 contains(ctx.typing, x, label)
ctx |- matchValueRef(x, ValueRef(label)) = ctx.typing

The second case, when the context does not contain the declaration that x has the shape label is solved by trying to match x with shape label in the graph.

valueRef_2 not(contains(ctx, x, label))       ctx |- matchNode(x,v) = (t,_,_)
ctx |- matchValueRef(x, ValueRef(label)) = t


matchArcAny takes a set of triples and a basic arc and checks if there is some triple in that set that matches with the basic arc. The result is a boolean

It has two possibilities. Either it matches the first triple in the set (matchArc_1) or it matches any of the rest of triples in the set (matchArc_2)

matchArcAny_1 ctx |- matchBasicArc(t,basicArc) = (_,_,_)
ctx |- matchArcAny(t:ts, basicArc)
matchArcAny_2 ctx |- matchArcAny(ts,basicArc)
ctx |- matchArcAny(t:ts, basicArc)

Extended features

The core SHACL language can be extended with the following constructs:

Shape ::= Not Shape                // Matches if the shape does not match
	    | Close Shape              // Matches if it matches the shape and there are no remaining triples
		| Xor Shape Shape          // Matches if either the first shape or the second match, but not both

The axiomatic definition of these constructs are:

If the shape is a negation of a shape it matches if the shape does not match

Not ctx |- not(matchShape(ts,e))
ctx |- matchShape(ts, Not(e)) = (t, ts, {})

A set of triples matches a closed shape if the set of triples matches the shape and there are no remaining triples

Close ctx |- matchShape(ts,e) = (t,cs,{})
ctx |- matchShape(ts, Closed(e)) = (t, cs, {})

The XOr construct is defined in terms of negation as:

Xor(e1,e2) = Or(And(e1,not(e2)),And(e2,not(e2)))


We would like to acknowledge the contributions of Peter F. Patel-Schneider, Eric Prud'hommeaux, Iovka Boneva and the other members of the W3c Data Shapes Working group.